Get your smarts on with ASTP Training Courses 2023

Train with ASTP in 2023

Marketing and Business Development
25th – 27th January | Sitges, Spain

Using case studies and reflections from experienced practitioners, this course develops frameworks and tools that can be widely used to develop new research and licensing collaborations and structure those relationships in a way that benefits and aligns the motivation of both parties.


Software Specific Challenges in TT  
25th – 27th January | Sitges, Spain

Dive into the challenges of software and which factors to be aware of when considering the basics. Become familiar with rarer forms of IP protection. Course directors will also unpack big data, marketing channels, and software-based spin-offs.

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Research and Development Collaborations 
25th – 27th January | Sitges, Spain
Are you ready to expand your skills and deepen your knowledge of research and development collaborations? You should join this course!
When attending this course, an appreciation of managing complex negotiations is useful.

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March 2023 | Vilnius, Lithuania

Fundamentals of Supporting Consultancy 
22nd – 24th March | Vilnius, Lithuania

Work on the practical elements of supporting academic consultancy with a collaborative group of experts who have accumulated decades of specialist knowledge and insights. If you are involved in commercialisation, knowledge transfer, business development roles in commercialisation, or in other university administrative offices: this is the course for you!

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Creating Successful Spin-outs 
22nd – 24th March | Vilnius, Lithuania

This course is for experienced technology transfer managers whose portfolios includes expertise technologies that may be best commercialised in a spin-out company. We explore what sort of technologies are best commercialised and the role of KT managers in setting the initial business strategy.

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Negotiations Skills for KTOs
22nd – 24th March | Vilnius, Lithuania

This course will provide you with the tools to prepare technology transfer negotiations and improve your skills to make moves both at and beyond the negotiation table.

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Fundamentals of Technology Transfer 
22nd – 24th March | Vilnius, Lithuania

The essentials but much more than the basics. Join this course if you are new to the profession and want to 3 days of intense learning and networking.

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