WIPO: Young Experts Program (YEP)

WIPO is pleased to announce the launch today of its first-ever Young Experts Program (YEP).

This program is targeted at young (aged 35 years and under) and promising talent, ideally from developing, least developed countries and countries in transition. It is designed to train them in the technical and policy aspects of IP, as well as nurture their ability to take on administrative and leadership roles.  Through this program, participants will be groomed to contribute to the development of the innovation and creative ecosystems of their respective countries and regions, and eventually as the future global leaders of IP.

The application process will open on October 28, 2021, and close on November 19, 2021. We encourage you to share this information through your relevant networks and encourage qualified candidates to apply. Please note that the application process is through direct applications by candidates and not through a national nomination process. More information on the Young Experts Program, including how to apply, can be found on the WIPO website at: www.wipo.int/yep

Any additional queries about the Young Experts Program may be addressed to the Recruitment Team in Human Resources with our online Contact form

Keep Learning and Connecting with ASTP

As we hunker down for the short days and long nights ahead, ASTP has a fantastic programme of learning and fun lined up for you.

We are particularly excited to launch a brand new training course: Developing your Campus and Ecosystem. With over a dozen experienced speakers from across Europe, this course is designed to provide you with a better understanding of your campus and ecosystem and help you develop effective questions and discussions with policy makers, university board members, regional stakeholders, politicians and others involved.

The second edition of the ASTP-European Forum will be taking place, November 16th and is free and open to all. Join key speakers from European institutions as they share and update the community on their current knowledge transfer related activities

And now for the fun! We hope you will join our online festive gathering again this year and contribute your recipes to our every-expanding recipe book.

Developing your Campus and Ecosystem
24 – 26 November 2021

Professionalising Knowledge Transfer

Developing your Campus and Ecosystem | 24-26 November 2021
Fundamentals of Technology Transfer | 1 – 3 December 2021
Creating Successful Spin-Outs | 24 – 26 January 2022
Research and Development Collaboration | 7 – 11 February 2022


Strategic Account Management | 20 October 2021
Mastering LinkedIn | 26 October 2021
European Forum
ASTP is hosting for the second time a European Forum. The EU Forum is an open forum for discussion between the KT community and the European Commission. Save the date by registering for the event here.
End of Year ASTP Party
Join ASTP’s End of Year Party free for all members. Don’t miss the chance to as well be part of our Festive Holiday Recipes Cook Book and send your favourite holiday recipes to us. Check out last year’s book here. And register for this year’s party here.
In other news…

19 OCTOBER 2021 | 14:00 – 15:30 CEST
From Lab to Market: Successful Technology Transfer Journeys 
Discover how patents facilitate technology transfer and promote market success! In this virtual event you will be introduced to the EPO`s new case study series with valuable insights from two successful technology transfers from European universities. Don’t miss the chance to join this free webinar 

Share your best practice in Knowledge Transfer and Valorisation
Whether you are a research organisation, university or a private company, a representation of civil society, a public administration, a region or a city: take part in a Europe-wide exchange! Share your experiences on the 
EU Knowledge Valorisation Platform! This is the place to submit excellent examples of strategies, initiatives and tools that boost valorisation of research-based knowledge and data at European, national, regional, local and organisational level. 
Learn more here

MedFIT the European partnering event for innovation partnerships and investments in the MedTech, diagnostic and digital health sectors. Learn more about this event and how you can register 

We have a special price offer for ASTP members! Email Noeleen for more details.

BioFIT is the leading event in Europe for TT, academia-industry collaborations, early-stage innovation deals and pre-seed, seed and Series A investment in the field of Life Sciences. Learn more about this event 

We have a special price offer for ASTP members! Email Noeleen for more details.

Paul Janssen Futurelab Online Courses
Paul Janssen FutureLab courses are for post-graduate biomedical professionals currently working in industry, start-ups, academia, Knowledge Transfer Offices (KTOs), or regulatory authorities. Learn more about this courses 

New vacancies
Many new vacancies in our Careers Portal from different institutions in Europe. Find your next adventure here.

Share your news & events
with us to be feature in Europe’s leading KT organisation!

Twitter  Facebook   Website   YouTube

Keep learning and connection with ASTP

There is lots of learning going on this autumn!
We have just opened registration for another round of Fundamentals of Technology Training Course as the September edition sold out so quickly! So register soon if you are interested.


We are also offering a great spread of Masterclasses on offer delivered by some of KT’s most experienced practitioners. 

And remember! All 3 episodes of the ASTP Covid-19 survey are  are now published. Learn more about the impact of the pandemic on KT here!

Professionalising Knowledge Transfer

Training Courses
Financial Tools for KTOs
12th – 15th October 2021


1st – 3rd December 2021
Online Masterclasses
26th October 2021




New Professionals SIG
ASTP is planning a new Special Interest Group for professionals entering the knowledge transfer world. Read about the new SIG here. Join this community to share your experiences and learn from others.  

Join a SIG here

In other news…



Understand the impact of the pandemic on KT
Developed by ASTP’s ad-hoc Covid-19 Survey Committee, the results of the survey are available now in 3 powerful episodes and infographic. You can check them out 


The Leuphana Transformational Entrepreneurship Days
The Leuphana Transformational Entrepreneurship Days are a three day interactive online event with a different topic headlining each (half) day. Join this knowledge packed event starting on the 21st of September 2021. Read more about it here.


EPO Inventors Awards
Nominations are open for the 2022 European Inventor Awards which includes the new Young Inventors prize. Deadline for nominations is the 1st of October. Read more 


New vacancies
Many new vacancies in our Careers Portal from different institutions in Europe. Find your next adventure here.


Copyright © 2021 ASTP, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Stationsweg 28A, 2312 AV Leiden







Back to work? Make it fun with ASTP’s learning opportunities

Welcome back to a blockbusting late-summer season with ASTP. Our website is packed with learning opportunities for you: our scheduled training courses are filling up quickly, so best register now for Organising your KTO for Growth and Success and Financial Tools for KTOs. 
We welcome the return of our webinar series Tea with ASTP. First out this season is Jeff Skinner with the topic: Student IP Policy.


The Special Interest Groups are also back in action. The SSHA SIG is opening the season with Transformational Entrepreneurship – Universities’ Pathway to Impact.

Are you on the road to becoming RTTP or would you like to know more about it? Join the free-to-all webinar: The how and why of RTTP
And have you see our menu of Masterclasses?
Covid-19 Survey Results
Understand the impact of the pandemic on KT
Developed by ASTP’s ad-hoc Covid-19 Survey Committee, the results of the survey are available now in 3 powerful episodes and infographic. You can check them out 
Professionalising Knowledge Transfer
12th – 15th October 2021
Online Masterclasses
26th October 2021
ASTP Special Interest Groups


The monthly online SSHA and Impact Flashlight #5
Discover the new pathway to impact for universities with SSHA disciplines: Transformational Entrepreneurship. Join Annette Schoeneck and Verena Meyer from Leuphana University Lueneburg in ASTP’s fifth monthly SSHA and Impact Flashlight on the 1st of September 2021 between 13:00 and 13:30.

Legal SIG Meeting on the 21st of September 2021
Join the new ASTP Legal SIG which aims to collect and share knowledge and experiences about legal questions and dilemmas. Their first meeting is happening this month on the 21st of September. For members only!
New Professionals SIG
ASTP is planning a new Special Interest Group for professionals entering the knowledge transfer world. Join this community to share your experiences and learn from others.
Tea with ASTP Webinars
Student IP Policy 
with Jeff Skinner
14th September 2021
In other news…
Summary of selected global commercialisation metrics: 2004 – 2019
Leading global alliance ATTP has launched a report to assist governments in the development of research innovation policy. The report allows for rapid assessment of research commercialisation performance and enables data and evidence-based decision making when considering research innovation policy.
Read the report here.
Join the stakeholder consultation on the future Guiding Principles for Knowledge Valorisation
The consultation, together with the recently launched Knowledge Valorisation Platform, is a great opportunity to shape the European knowledge valorisation policy. have your say by providing your thoughts and feedback here. Read more about it here.


New vacancies
Many new vacancies in our Careers Portal from different institutions in Europe. Find your next adventure here.
Copyright © 2021 ASTP, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Stationsweg 28A, 2312 AV Leiden


Govor dr. Špele Stres na slavnostnem dogodku ob vzpostavitvi platforme CEETT

Foto: SID banka, 2021

V ponedeljek, 26. julija 2021, je bila pod okriljem Evropskega investicijskega sklada, SID banke in Hrvaške banke za obnovo in razvoj vzpostavljena regionalna in multinacionalna platforma CEETT – Central Eastern Europe Technology Transfer, namenjena prenosu tehnologij. Vrednost  sporazuma znaša vsaj 40 milijonov evrov in bo v prihodnje s finančnimi sredstvi podprl raziskovalne projekte, inovativne dosežke na področju razvoja tehnologij in intelektualne lastnine univerz in raziskovalnih inštitutov na območju Slovenije in Hrvaške.

S platformo bo zapolnjena vrzel pri pridobivanju ustreznih finančnih sredstev, ki so nujno potrebne za višanje stopnje tehnološke zrelosti (TRL – technology readiness level). S pomočjo platforme CEETT se po oceni EIF obeta preko 350 patentnih prijav in 100 odcepljenih podjetij v Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem.

Za novo platformo za financiranje prenosa raziskovalnih dosežkov v podjetniško prakso imamo visoka pričakovanja tudi na Institutu ”Jožef Stefan”, saj bo na ta način zapolnjena vrzel pri pridobivanju ustreznih finančnih sredstev, nujno potrebnih za višanje stopnje tehnološke zrelosti (TRL – technology readiness level) naših inovacij in s tem privlačnosti za umestitev na trg.

V nagovoru udeležencem je mag. Sibil Svilan, predsednik uprave SID banke, poudaril odvisnost trajnostnega razvoja slovenskega gospodarstva in Slovenije od vlaganj v znanost, raziskave, razvoj, inovacije in v človeški kapital. Večletna prizadevanja SID banke na tem področju se bodo s platformo CEETT le še nadgradila, obenem pa se bo sledilo cilju ponovne uvrstitve Slovenije med vodilne inovatorke.

Alain Godard, generalni direktor Evropskega investicijskega sklada, je izpostavil, da se s platformo CEETT piše finančna zgodovina v EU, Sloveniji in na Hrvaškem. Po njegovih besedah platforma predstavlja prvo dolgoročno rešitev za financiranje raziskovalnih projektov in zaščito intelektualne lastnine lokalnih univerz in raziskovalnih inštitucij ter financiranje prenosa tehnologij.

Njunemu mnenju se je pridružila Tamara Perko, predsednica uprave Hrvaške banke za obnovo in razvoj, z opozorilom na visoko tveganost investicij v razvoj patentov in novih rešitev, zaradi česar številni dragoceni patenti in tehnološke rešitve nikoli ne dosežejo komercializacije. Vloga razvojnih bank je v zapolnitvi te vrzeli ter povezovanje med znanostjo in podjetništvom.

Na slavnostnem dogodku je o svojih izkušnjah spregovorila dr. Špela Stres, LLM, MBA iz Centra za prenos tehnologij in inovacij na Institutu ”Jožef Stefan”, ki je že leta 2015 na povabilo Evropske komisije sodelovala v zaključnih fazah oblikovanja pilota Technology Transfer Financial Facility (TTFF), ki je poglavitno prispeval h kasnejšemu InvestEU in oblikovanju Proof of Concept skladov pod okriljem Evropskega investicijskega sklada.

Platforma CEETT po njenih besedah aktivno naslavlja in rešuje težave, s katerimi se v Sloveniji pri prenosu tehnologij vsakodnevno soočamo. Nudila bo financiranje v zgodnjih fazah razvoja TRL in s tem omogočala gladek prehod projektom iz raziskovalnega okolja na trg. Nudila bo dostop do storitev za pospeševanje poslovanja (trenerji, mentorji, podjetja, vlagatelji in partnerji znanja). Omogočala bo razvoj vizije za preboj, upravljanje portfelja in povezovanje z ekosistemi. S Proof of Concept skladi bo raziskovalcem omogočala čas za uskladitev ideje s potrebami trga, sprejem odločitve o raziskovalno-poslovni poti, urejanje razmerij intelektualne lastnine in sistema nagrajevanja za tiste, ki bodo nadaljevali z raziskovanjem na matičnih organizacijah, kot tudi za tiste, ki bodo stopali po podjetniški poti. In platforma CEETT postavlja ključne temelje nadaljnjih sprememb, s katerimi se bo slovenska inovacijska uspešnost lahko znova izboljšala.

Podrobnejše informacije o dogodku si lahko preberete v Sporočilu za javnost.

Novi publikaciji CTT o prenosu tehnologij

Na Centru za prenos tehnologij in inovacij (CTT) na Institutu ”Jožef Stefan” smo pred kratkim izdali novi publikaciji:

1. Modrosti iz inovacijskega podpornega okolja v javnih raziskovalnih organizacijah za upravljavce inovacijskega sistema
Pisarne za prenos tehnologij predstavljajo stično točko med raziskovalnimi organizacijami in gospodarstvom in v pričujoči publikaciji se lahko seznanite s številnimi temami, ki so pomembne za celostno delovanje samega sistema prenosa tehnologij: intelektualna lastnina z edinstveno vlogo sort in nagrajevanjem raziskovalcev pri programski opremi, pomen odcepljenih podjetij in Proof of concept sklad kot nujni finančni instrument, poslovne skrivnosti in informacije javnega značaja ipd.

2. Technology Transfer Manual for the Slovenian economy and Slovenian science

Izvirnik je pred leti izšel v slovenskem jeziku, tokrat pa je prvič na voljo v angleškem jeziku. Obravnavane so temeljne teme intelektualne lastnine s poglobljenimi prispevki o povezanosti patentov z uspešnostjo na trgu, ocene stroškov patentnih prijav in ”večne krize” patentnega sistema, vključno s praktičnimi nasveti o upravljanju pravic intelektualne lastnine. Prikazana je celostna podpora raziskovalcem Instituta ”Jožef Stefan” z različnimi vrstami in področji podpore, vključen pa je tudi predlog Proof of Concept sklada.

Vljudno vabljeni k ogledu obeh novih publikacij, ki sta tesno povezani z vsakodnevnim raziskovalnim delom tako raziskovalcev kot tudi podjetij. Dostopni sta na CTT strani s Publikacijami v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku.

How to take academic software to market

14th July 2021 | 9:00 – 13:00 CET

Gavin Smith, Independent Consultant, UK

In this masterclass we will discuss software basics, focus on due-diligence and where IP lies in software, we will address open-source concepts and licenses. Join this masterclass to take a look at open-source projects and analyse examples of software taken from academic research to market.

Register Here

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Copyright © 2021 ASTP, All rights reserved.

Mailing address: Stationsweg 28A, 2312 AV Leiden

Digitalizacija zdravstva na dogodku Swiss Medtech Day 2021 z (virtualnimi) dvostranskimi srečanji 8. 9. 2021, Švica in svetovni splet

IME DOGODKA: Swiss Medtech Day 2021

ORGANIZATOR: Swiss Medtech

TERMIN: 8. september 2021

LOKACIJA: Kursual Bern in svetovni splet

OPIS: Osrednja tema Swiss Medtech Day 2021 bodo odvijajoči se procesi digitalizacije v zdravstvenem sektorju in z njim povezanimi tehnologijami. Številne rešitve na eni strani povečujejo kakovost zdravljenja in znižujejo stroške, medtem ko na drugi strani zahtevajo koordiniran pristop različnih gospodarskih dejavnosti (elektronika, senzorji, programska oprema, podatkovna analitika ipd.).

Osrednji del dogodka s t.i. Deep Dive Sessions bo namenjen uporabi digitalnih orodij pri zdravljenju, načinom za uspešno uvedbo digitalnih rešitev v prakso, opredelitvi koristi digitalnih rešitev v sam zdravstveni sistem in za posamezne deležnike (pacienti, bolnišnice) ter o vplivu digitalizacije bolnišnic na zaposlene in paciente.

Dodatno bo podrobneje predstavljena Finska kot zgleden primer sodelovanja med javnim in zasebnim sektorjem pri inoviranju in digitalizaciji zdravstvenega sektorja, kar jo uvršča med najpomembnejše akterje na tem področju na svetovni ravni.

Za navezovanje stikov in partnerstev bodo organizirana dvostranska srečanja v trajanju 15 minut na posamezen sestanek in bodo potekala na kraju dogodka (Švica). Poleg teh srečanj bodo med 9. in 15. septembrom potekala naknadna virtualna dvostranska srečanja.

REGISTRACIJA: Prijava na dogodek je na voljo do 6. septembra 2021 preko prijavnega formularja. Cena za udeležbo na virtualnih dvostranskih srečanjih je 70 CHF.

DODATNE INFORMACIJE: Podrobnejše informacije o programu dogodka, predavateljih in srečanjih so dostopne na spletni strani dogodka, kjer so navedene tudi cene vstopnic in razstavnega prostora.

Evropski dogodek za povezovanje vseh akterjev za boj proti koronavirusu 12.-13. 7. 2021, svetovni splet

IME DOGODKA: European Matchmaking Event – Development and production of COVID-19 therapeutics

ORGANIZATOR: Evropska komisija, European Cluster Collaboration Platform, Council of European BioRegions, European Clusters Alliance

TERMIN: 12.-13. julij 2021

LOKACIJA: svetovni splet

OPIS: V prizadevanjih Evropske komisije pri zagotavljanju lastnih možnosti proizvodnje cepiv in sredstev za boj proti koronavirusu, bo organiziran dvodnevni dogodek za povezovanje vseh akterjev, ki lahko s svojimi aktivnostmi pripomorejo k doseganju omenjenega cilja.

V uvodnem delu bosta udeleženca nagovorila Thierry Breton in Stella Kyriakides iz Evropske komisije. Sledili bodo strokovni seminar o obravnavani temi in dvostranska srečanja.

Z udeležbo in navezovanjem stikov med raziskovalci, (proizvodnimi) podjetji, predstavniki zdravstvenih ustanov in vseh drugih znotraj zadevnega sektorja (na primer proizvajalci vial, epruvet in podobno), se bo pospešil nadaljnji razvoj in proizvodnja cepiv ter drugih sredstev za koronavirus znotraj Evrope.

REGISTRACIJA: na dvostranska srečanja je na voljo do 25. junija 2021 preko prijavnega obrazca.

DODATNE INFORMACIJE: o dogodku so dostopne na platformi za dvostranska srečanja, dodatno pa je sredi junija potekal tudi spletni seminar, kjer so predstavili podrobnejše informacije in je na voljo v obliki videoposnetka.